5 Simple and Proven Yoga Movements to Improve Posture

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Everyone will want to have an ideal posture. It’s just that certain diseases, as well as bad habits, such as bowing frequently when sitting, standing or walking, can make these hopes disappear.

 Fortunately, it is not necessary to perform complicated yoga movements if you want to achieve your ideal posture. You just need to routinely perform the following 5 simple yoga movements and get other bonuses, such as reducing neck and back pain.

1. Extension of one leg

Yoga Exercise to improve posture

Yoga poses that are effective in stabilizing the pelvis can be practiced in the following ways:

 Lie on your back while bending your knees so your feet are in direct contact with the mat or floor. Put your hand to support the back of the head.

While exhaling, pull your stomach inward. Slowly, bring one of your knees to your chest, but keep your back low so that it stays on the floor.

After that, lift and straighten the other leg so that it forms a 45 ‘angle from the floor.

Do 10 times for each leg.

2. Cobra Pose

cobra yoga pose for posture correction

The next simple yoga movement that works to correct the posture is the cobra posture. This yoga posture is very effective in strengthening the spinal erector and other muscles in the lower back. Here’s how to practice the cobra posture:

 Cobra Pose has been shown to strengthen the spinal erector and lower back.

 Lie on your stomach and bend your hands toward your chest so that both palms touch the ground. As for both legs, the position is very close and extends straight.

Exhale while pushing your stomach towards the spine.

Keep your posture upright when you lift your upper body (head to waist) away from the floor.

Avoid using your hands as a lifting force, just use your lower body.

Finally, before lowering the upper part of your body, look at the floor for a few moments to relax your neck muscles. Repeat several times.

3. Yoga cross movement

Now, if this yoga movement is effective to strengthen the muscles of the torso in general. To do this:

Return to the supine position first. Put both hands behind the head. Place the chest slightly up from the floor and bring your knees to the chest.

Keep your stomach in, then stretch one leg while the other knee stays close to the chest.

Move the legs (bent and straightened) alternately, so that if one leg is straight, the other bends and vice versa. For the upper body, tilt it to the right and left alternately, following the bent knees.

4. Good squats

The next simple yoga pose that also works to improve body posture is the abdominal. It is no longer a secret that routine yoga poses can strengthen and develop abdominal muscles.

 Still lying on your back (legs may be straight or bent), pull your stomach while exhaling.

Then, slowly lift the upper part of your body (head, chest and abdomen) as high as possible. If you can, until you feel.

Practice these movements several times, count, do your best and add the frequency gradually so that the body is not surprised.  This movement also remove you back pain and if you use reclining chair to improve posture then it is too good for your back posture.

5. New crunchy yoga movement

This simple movement of posture formation is also known as curl. The following are the yoga poses that effectively strengthen the abdominal and oblique muscles.

Lie on your back with your knees bent so your feet are flat on the floor.

Use both hands to support the back of the head. But if you want a more relaxed neck, then the hands can be wrapped around the knee.

Exhale while pulling your stomach in. Slowly take your head and shoulders off the floor.

Hold the position for some time before returning to its original position. Try 3 times first, then increase the frequency later if you are used to it.

Finally, for a greater challenge, you can also combine the new crunch with the extension of a single leg where the crunch is performed while placing a straight leg raised at an angle of 45 ‘from the floor. Try it!

I hope this 5 yoga poses help you to improve your posture. For more must visit Health Expert and read a lot of remedies about health and fitness related tips.